
When I was in college, my fashion design professor gave this bit of advice.  Always start a conversation, whether it is in a cover letter, job interview or any networking opportunity, with the following statement:

My life is consumed with fashion.

The truth is that I am consumed with a lot of things – consumed, obsessed, whatever you what to call it – but what happens is I get an idea in my head and get all gung-ho/coo-coo-munga on it.  The fashionista in me got into a lot of financial trouble this way, which happened the moment I found a kindred spirit in Trina Turk whose size 2s fit me to perfection.

With teaching, I would get an idea for an extra-curricular project and run with it to the point of extremes where it would usurp my personal life.  There were many years where I would work 12-hour plus days in order to prep extra lessons that I technically did not need to do.  As of recently, I’ve learned to figure out a better method of time management.  Of course, that took me twenty years of trial and error, but now everything seems so manageable that I have time to pursue something else.

Which leads me to this blog – website and my art career.

I’m still working out details of selling art on-line, but yes, it is starting to happen.  Shopify will wait a bit longer, as I pursue my friend Sheri D’Elia’s ( route – redbubble. is a site that sells merchandise with artwork on it.  I spent the better part of last night uploading some watercolor paintings and I’m just so excited by this endeavor.  Even if I don’t sell a thing, I feel enormously successful, because I took the leap, finally, and put myself out there.

Ocean by Karen Tashkovski     Doorway by Karen Tashkovski     Black Walnut by Karen Tashkovski

The paintings look incredible on those cell phone cover things. Makes me want to go out and get a cell phone.  Yes, that’s right.  I am so last century when it comes to personal technology that I seriously am in danger of becoming an anachronism.  I’m planning to get an I-phone soon, mainly to extend my social media take-over (lol) to include Instagram, where I have read many artists have launched their careers into the stratosphere of financial success.

I’m working on having 2,000 twitter followers by midnight.  I’m at 1,959 right now and that seems an achievement in itself since I started tweeting only about six weeks ago, something like that.  People have been so generous with the re-tweeting and so on.  I feel incredibly lucky/blessed/grateful – whatever you want to call it, that this stuff is all happening now.  I almost feel like I wasn’t ready before, if that makes any sense.

I’m a late bloomer.

What consumes you?

Iris by Karen Tashkovski



10 thoughts on “Consumation”

  1. Gerry Garcia did this with neck ties! Great idea! Sometimes you have to get off the canvas and see it differently. Nice colors and arrangement of them….

    1. Thanks, Michael! I wish there were even more items of fashion. I think the abstract expressionist watercolors really lend themselves well to fabric interpretation. But I do especially love those phone cases!

      1. I thought about doing coffee mugs. Think making my images 1/5 the actual size makes detail look phenomenal. I think your designs would make great coffee mug, and plates too…

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