Tag Archives: time sensitive

“I VOTED” Sticker Contest


Please use the above link to vote for your favorite potential sticker. Students from schools in Madison County were encouraged to enter this sticker contest. There were over eighty entries and I want to say that at least half of them came from my students because I gave it as an assignment in eight of my classes.

The assignment was to create a patriotic image with “I VOTED” as text. The winner’s artwork will be made into a sticker and handed out to Madison County voters in the upcoming November elections.

They’ve narrowed it down to seven finalists and those will be judged by the public via the above survey monkey link.

Two of the finalists are my students and they are two of the best fourteen-year-olds I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. One created the eagle design and the other the one with the two flags that looks like confetti or fireworks.

Please vote. Notice I didn’t say vote for one of mine – you have free will, after all. I don’t think the students receive any monetary prize – only the pride of recognition, I guess. And maybe a roll of stickers? I don’t know. Maybe one of them will grow up to be the POTUS.

Voting ends on July 21, 2023. The winner will be announced on August 1, 2023.