

The Edgewood Gallery is a teeny little place, about the size of my living room with only two walls of space in which to exhibit art.  But I have to say, gallery owner and framer extraordinaire, Cheryl Chappell really knows how to pack an artistic punch.

I was crazy busy this weekend.  On Friday, I installed my art exhibit at Natur-Tyme, attended my sister’s garage sale, exercised, wrote the blog post about my show and finally got around to going to the artist reception at Edgewood.  It was from 6 – 8 pm and I squeaked in at 8:30.  A handful of people were still there including Hall Groat who creates breathtaking oil paintings.


He is selling tiny square pieces – maybe 6″ x 6″? for $125 but they are worth every penny.  He has such a masterful technique.  They are perfectly worked little canvases.  My favorite one is the little baseball.


Groat visited my school ages ago when I had this Visual Artist series at Bridgeport Elementary.  I would get three or four artists a year to come to the school library and give two presentations – one to all the 4th graders and one to all the 5th graders.  The series had been sponsored by the defunct State Bank of Chittenango.  I asked the bank president for grant money every year to pay the professional artists around $100 for their services.  Groat created a baseball painting as a demonstration that I still have somewhere.  I think I had it framed and it is still at the elementary school.


He didn’t remember me when we spoke at this reception.  No doubt my ego was a bit bruised, lol.  Back then I remember him telling me how he had eeked out a living as an artist by being a go-getter.  He’d created murals at the old Syracuse Savings Bank in downtown Syracuse by telling them he knew how to do it even though he had never done it before – the kind of amazing confidence that many of us spend our whole lives chasing.  Now Groat works alongside his mini-me, Hal Groat II.  They have a mutual website where, among other things, they interview other successful artists via offering them questions to respond to.  He proceeded to demonstrate this on me, which was pretty hilarious.


Jay Hart creates these large-scale “geographic  compositions”.  They are mounted on foam board – not sure how they are attached to the wall.  Very interesting textured topography!  I’m not sure my Samsung Galaxy 6 phone camera do them justice.  They are a bit more colorful in person.


At least I was able to take photographs.  The last time I attended an opening at Edgewood, it was so crowded with so many of my art colleagues that I spent the whole time talking – no pics to show for it and of course, I didn’t write a blog post on that show.  It was nice to be able to see the work from at least a five foot distance and the lucky thing for me was that even after hours, some of the artists were still there.

Vicki Thayer was selling hand-made jewelry.  I was particularly impressed with the keshi pearls.  They looked a lot like Honora pearls but her color combos were more brilliant, I think.  She said that soon no one will be able to get these pearls in these colors (they kind  of look like pieces of Corn Flakes in shape), because they take years to manufacture.  Obviously they are a specific type of oyster  – so when I say manufacture, these oysters are farmed but the process is all natural.


Even with that said, Thayer’s prices are so reasonable – a pair of earrings for around $40 and the ability to compliment them with a matchy-matchy necklace.


Finally, probably my favorite of the group – these impressive wood carved anamorphic wall mounted sculptures by June Szabo.  They reflect the idea of nature.  One of them was supposed to be a delta and two rivers but my dirty mind thought I was looking at Fallopian tubes, like in the 7th grade Health textbook.  I’m a dork.


John Franklin is also exhibiting.  The Edgewood Gallery is located at 216 Tecumseh Road, Syracuse, NY.  Gallery hours are Tuesday-Friday 9:30 am – 6 pm, Saturday 10 am – 2 pm.  And this show, entitled Beneath the Clouds, continues through August 28th, 2015, so there is lots of time to see it!


The Big Reveal


And now, the big reveal:  Starting today through September 2015, I will be showing and selling artwork at Natur-Tyme, Erie Blvd. East, Dewitt, NY.


Maria Rizzo, Tom Huff and I are the premiere artists for this amazing experience.  Maria is the curator.  The store owner invested in the window space, purchasing a hanging system, partitions and hooks that make the art look fantastic.  The space is off to the side of the customer service desk and you can also see the art from the front window overlooking Erie Blvd.


For those of you in the Nostalgic Syracuse group on Facebook (shout out!), it’s the old Goldberg’s Furniture store.  Natur-Tyme has been there for five years.  It’s not just a vitamin shop; it’s more of a healthy lifestyle kinda place.  They have food, a juice bar, cosmetic and hair care, a salon, fresh vegetables, vitamins and all sorts of things.  Even if you’re not in the market for art, I urge you to discover its many contents for yourself.  It’s like an oasis of bliss in there.


Maria told me that she picked me because, aside from liking my artwork, she was impressed with the way I used social media.  She said she liked that this blog was not just to promote myself but other local artisans and cultural things.


Isn’t that such a nice compliment?  You really never know when helping someone can lead to someone helping you.  I am very impressed with Maria as well.  She’s very young, but has this unwavering self-confidence and drive to succeed as an artist.  She uses social media wisely and has recently won grant money for a show of tree paintings.


Framed prints of those paintings are available for sale at this venue too, in addition to other landscape paintings.  They are located on the left side facing the gallery area in the cubbies.




I was meticulously measuring – doing that OCD Monk thing until I was satisfied.  It took me like 2 1/2 hours to completely install twenty-two paintings.  I have two that didn’t fit, which I will add once I sell two!!!!!



And if I sell more, I will go over there and replace them with another series.


These paintings of cats frolicking in geometric fields are from my series called Echolalia.  I just love the way they look when they are on display together.  I created them in 2005.  The last time they were exhibited was at the Rome Art Center in Rome, New York – in their library room – back in September 2008!  Since then they’ve been in my closet or on display somewhere in my house.


It’s such a refreshing and exciting feeling to bring them out again. To see the light of day, as I mentioned about the paintings in my Sullivan Library show.


As I was working to get everything up, a woman approached me and said, “Oh, are you the artist?  These are wonderful.  Very industrial!”  Said she’d be back to look at them again.  Whether she buys or not really doesn’t matter at this moment, because that feeling that she gave me – that thing where I realize that I am an artist.  I have a body of work that I don’t really go on ruminating about – you know what I mean?  It felt amazing.  I’ve been so busy with teaching and in my free time I’m basically doing mundane chores or exercising, or writing these blog posts.

I haven’t had time to sit down and make art.  I have this idea for a new series but stuff gets in the way or I don’t feel the passion.  I spent all day yesterday re-staining my 20 square foot deck.  Let me tell you, the idea of picking up another paintbrush anytime soon does not sit well with my sore shoulders, lol.

But put forth a compliment and I come to life like gangbusters.  I can’t wait for you to see the show. Please go to Natur-Tyme if you are in town and let me know what you think.  And if you want to buy something, I guess you just take it off the wall (get a sales associate to help) and take it to the register.  My paintings are only $200 each.



Sullivan Summer Show

Trust (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200
Trust (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200

Every year librarian Karen Trainer at the Sullivan Library in Chittenango, NY, offers me an art exhibit in the library’s community room for the month of July.  And every year when the time comes, I forget if I had asked her. I called last night and, yes, she was expecting me.  Said I could come in any time to install the show and also said I could have the space through August!

I Said the Wrong Thing (detail), 1997, oil & collage, $200
I Said the Wrong Thing (detail), 1997, oil & collage, $200

I love this small space.  I’ve shown my own work so many times – all sizes – and I’ve shown student work many times as well.  There are only eight of those long hook things that connect to a chair rail in the wall and additional S pegs if you want to display a lot more pieces.

Life (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200
Life (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200

I chose to do an exhibit of eight works from one of my Pompano series.  I created them in ’97-’98.  Eight 18″ x 24″ canvases depicting Pompano Beach, Florida and my subsequent life back in Syracuse, NY after graduate school.

We've Spoken These Words Before, 1997, oil & collage, $200
We’ve Spoken These Words Before, 1997, oil & collage, $200

My work is autobiographical and this time of my life was sort of a see-saw of comedy vs. drama.  It was about change, really, insofar as who I truly was as a person and what I presented to the public.  I wasn’t sure who I was and what I wanted, to tell you the truth.  I would have to say that I had misaligned convictions.

Quiet (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200
Quiet (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200

I was almost fighting the idea of traditional me and trying to be super artsy.  I’ve come to find out that I am somewhere in between.  Or maybe not.  😉

III, 1998, oil & collage, $200
III, 1998, oil & collage, $200

These paintings are like old friends.  Seeing them again makes me reflect on my progress in this crazy world.  It seems like art gallery dealers only want to see an artist’s latest work.  But I am comfortable sharing this retrospective.  I’m not like Madonna who once said she didn’t want to sing any of her old ’80s songs in concert because she was bored with them (I’m paraphrasing).  I saw her in concert (on TV) and I absolutely loved the way she retro-fitted her old songs with new melodies – taking dance tunes and turning them into ballads, for example, going guitar only or remixing old melodies with new and noticing commonalities in the lyrics.  So I guess it turns out that her comment had been a flippant in the moment thing and she found a way to welcome those old songs back into her life, lol.

Fool, (detail) 1998, oil & collage, $200
Fool, (detail) 1998, oil & collage, $200

I welcome you to see my exhibition.  These paintings are all framed in gallery style maple hardwood and are priced at $200 each.  I would love to sell them so they don’t end up back where I stored them in the little closet of my second bedroom.

Fish Out of Water (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200
Fish Out of Water (detail), 1998, oil & collage, $200

Whatever is old can be new again and these oldies look fresh to me again.  I’m glad they will see the light of day for the summer and I hope, if you are in the area, you will stop into this wonderful library right off the main “strip” in Chittenango, NY.  The Sullivan Library is located at 101 Falls Blvd., and is open at 10am most days in the summer.  Show’s up through August 2015 but if you want to buy one (or all) I can always switch it up.  I don’t mind a cash and carry art display.  And more about that coming soon.



Tashionista at Work

The school year is winding down quickly.  I started working here nineteen years ago.  It’s basically the longest relationship I’ve ever had discounting the ones I have with my immediate family members. It doesn’t seem like so much time has passed.

BCBG Max Azria dress, BCBG Generation sandals
BCBG Max Azria dress, BCBG Generation sandals

There is history and yet I feel like a time traveller in a way.  Working with 8th graders tends to take me back to my own middle school years.  It was 1976.  I remember having a crush on someone because he resembled Shaun Cassidy or was it Leif Garrrett? (the kid didn’t like me at all).  Having a faux Dorothy Hamill haircut that took years to grow out (not showing you a picture of that!).  Getting a 96 on the Algebra regents – I’m still angry with myself that I made the same subtraction mistake twice, which caused me to lose the two points on each mistake.

Whatever I had, I purchased with my paper route money – clothes, art supplies and eventually a 150-watt stereo for my bedroom so I could listen to Casey Kasum do the American Top Forty after delivering the Sunday morning paper.

I honestly can’t remember where I bought clothes then. Department stores?  I remember that there was a Levi Strauss store in Shoppingtown Mall where we bought colored corduroy jeans.  Our shoes came from Thom McAn.

Banana Republic suit with cropped pants, Rachel Roy top
Banana Republic suit with cropped pants, Rachel Roy top

It was a completely different time.  I always had to be responsible at such a young age, but instead of teaching me to save money and build a future, I think what I learned is that I will always know how to work then buy stuff with the money I earn.  I will eventually retire from my job, but I will never retire from being an artist or a writer.  I will never abandon creativity.  In that respect, I may not be rich but I will always have riches.

Bailey 44 top, Banana Republic pants, BCBG Generation sandals
Bailey 44 top, Banana Republic pants, BCBG Generation sandals

What else have I learned in thirty-nine years?  I still have a tendency to crush on men who break my heart, lol.  So I haven’t learned anything there.  Yeah – no wisdom there.

Trina Turk blouse and leather skirt, Champion tank and shorts (underneath), BCBG Generation sandals
Trina Turk blouse and leather skirt, Champion tank and shorts (underneath), BCBG Generation sandals

My fan-love for Dorothy Hamill though – my sister met her at an event last year and in conversation, Dorothy said, “Send your sister my best regards” !!!!!!

My sister with Olympic Gold Medalist Dorothy Hamill
My sister with Olympic Gold Medalist Dorothy Hamill

And Algebra is probably my favorite subject to work on with students in my study hall.  I love a good Greek theorem.  Math is eternal even though the way it’s taught these days is in a wonky new math style.  My way still works.  I want to say it’s because of the teacher I had in 8th grade, but to tell you the truth, I can’t remember anything about the teacher.  Man or woman?  IDK!

Banana Republic T-shirt and skirt, BCBG Generation sandals
Banana Republic T-shirt and skirt, BCBG Generation sandals

I guess I would prefer my students to remember what they learned in art rather than simply remembering me and my silly antics.  At the very least, my hope is that they have fond memories of the middle school experience – like in my own life, a lot more comedy to drown out the drama.

BCBG Max Azria top and pants, BCBG Generation sandals
BCBG Max Azria top and pants, BCBG Generation sandals

As for clothes?  I shop on-line mostly.   Banana Republic, BCBG, and Lord & Taylor dot coms are my favorite.  And when I review my purchases, which I kind of do reluctantly because I kind of don’t want to see myself coming and going (fashion should be about individuality so encouraging people to copy you via a stellar review seems a little bit defeating) – I call myself Tashionista.

Dare I say that this year was the best ever?  Don’t want to hurt the feelings of students who came before, because it’s not because my students were better.  Okay, don’t want to do the same to my current students. The truth is that after all these years I had a paradigm shift.  I changed my outlook about love, life, art…pretty much started realizing that life can be seen through rose-colored lenses without needing glasses at all.  And even though I am nearly forty years older than my 8th grade self, I still have 20-20 vision.

Had A Little Greek in Me

It’s not quite Father’s Day, but I don’t think I need to wait another week to honor my dad.  I called him yesterday to ask if he could make time to help me swab my deck.  I had considerable debris from those stupid maple tree seeds on deck, in the cracks of it and on top of my upgraded seamless gutters.

So of course, he came over first thing this morning, when I was still in bed and I Tazmanian-deviled it to get myself together and start the job.

He brought the shop vac and the power washer and we tackled the job, as always, and when we finished, he promised to help me again next week when I prepare to re-stain the deck for the summer.  He is ALWAYS there for my sisters and me with the kind of integrity that comes from the old country, I guess.

Dad at sixteen
Dad at sixteen

Dad escaped the Iron Curtain in 1956.  He was sixteen years old and decided that he wanted to live in America.  So he basically ran away from home via a five-mile walk to Greece.  He was apprehended by Greek soldiers and brought to an Athens refugee camp.  Then his great uncle sponsored him and he made his way to his new life here in Syracuse.

Dad and fellow refugees sitting in front of the Parthenon in 1956
Dad and fellow refugees sitting in front of the Parthenon in 1956

Every year he has a new story to tell us about his life and it really never ceases to amaze me.  The most recent was when he shared what it was like when the German soldiers were occupying the village of Velushina, some sleeping in their house during World War II.   I can’t imagine living through that incredibly harrowing experience, especially in light of my very happy-go-lucky life as an artist.  I am really a very lucky person to have such a profound heritage and of course, I know how lucky I am that my parents are still here with us when many of my friends have lost theirs.

When I was little. we told people we were Yugoslavian.  But then Yugoslavia busted up into five separate countries and ours was Macedonia.

In my authentic Macedonian costume circa 1973
In my authentic Macedonian costume circa 1973

The Macedonian culture is relatively similar to the Greek one.  The music is the same, the folk dances are similar and so is the food (it’s the Mediterranean diet).  There is a part of Macedonia that is in Greece too and this is the subject of the kind of political debate that seems as silly as the episode of old Star Trek when there were people who had half back face and half white face at war with people who had half white face and half black face.

St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church in Dewitt, NY is only a quarter of a  mile from my parents’ house.  They have a festival every June with live music, costumed performances, and Greek cuisine including spanikopita, which is almost the best ever spinach and cottage cheese pastry.  (Sorry, but the best was the stuff my late great-aunt Lefterija Jim used to make – hands down.)  We always park at Mom and Dad’s and walk there, and have been doing this for the last thirty or so years.

The performances this year were really out-of-this world great.  I just loved the new costumes that represented the region of 1930s yesteryear.

1930s era wedding in Velushina, Macedonia courtesy of the Jovanovski archives
1930s era wedding in Velushina, Macedonia courtesy of the Jovanovski archives

The women wore traditional garb but the men had on suits and newsboy caps!

Greek dancers perform for the crowd at St. Sophia's Greek Fest, Dewitt, NY
Greek dancers perform for the crowd at St. Sophia’s Greek Fest, Dewitt, NY




I saw so many people last night – Macedonian and Greek friends, and friends from the neighborhood where I grew up.  The kind of friendships that pick up right where we left off.










As far as art goes, there are some incredible icons on the walls of the small church.

Icons painted by Mrs. Smith at St. Sophia's Greek Orthodox Church
Icons painted by Mrs. Smith at St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church

They were painted by the priest’s wife.  She learned the technique from a master iconographer; I think it’s a combination of fresco, egg tempera and gold leaf on hardwood.  She used a stencil for the imagery so that the icons have unity.


My sister and I watched her demonstrate her technique during the festival last year,  She is Orthodox, but not technically Greek by DNA.

priests wife


I am not Greek (although I have never had my DNA tested) nor a member of the Greek church – in 1968, Dad was an integral part of bringing a Macedonian Orthodox church to Syracuse.  That festival is in August.

But after dancing, checking out the fun displays in the church gym and the icons on the walls of the church, and eating a pita and a marinated chicken kebab (chicken souvlaki), drinking wine and folk dancing, I definitely had a little Greek in me.

It all reminds me of the joke Coach Walter Dodge, my elementary school gym teacher once told.  He said, “Ask me anything in any language.  That’s right, I can understand any language – except Greek.”  Of course we all tried to stump this man we held in high regard.  After all, at the time I actually thought the guy invented Dodge Ball! So I said something in Macedonian – in my limited non-fluent fashion.  He paused for just the right amount of time and said, “It’s all Greek to me.”

If you live in the area, the festival is still going on until around 7pm today.  It’s located on the corner of Waring Road and Tecumseh Road in Dewitt, New York.


Playing Favorites

Banana Republic cardigan and pants, BCBG Generations top, Coach booties
Banana Republic cardigan and pants, BCBG Generations top, Coach booties

I started each of the last two school weeks in all black.  Black Monday is definitely a thing.  I actually wore the same top both times – this BCBG Max Azria cotton top is sensational.  I have it in white too and also in white in a crew neck.  The quality of this brand is over the top fabulous.  I either buy it at www.bcbg.com or Lord & Taylor.  Oh, and sometimes at Bloomingdales.

BCBG Max Azria top and pants, BCBG Generation sandals
BCBG Max Azria top and pants, BCBG Generation sandals

I had these pants hemmed because they were 1 1/4″ too long.  Am totally in love with the little slits at the bottom – they are definitely my new favorite thing.  Also love that I’m in a size 0!

So anyhow, I am starting to re-run outfits but am still working on changing it up.  For one thing, I got a haircut.  It will grow back in about a minute; it grows so fast.  But this will be fun and different for a while.

Free People cardigan, Trina Turk top and pants, BCBG Generations booties
Free People cardigan, Trina Turk top and pants, BCBG Generations booties
Trina Turk top and pants, BCBG Generations booties
Trina Turk top and pants, BCBG Generations booties

I love the above outfit.  The top and pants are both Trina Turk.  The top is a silk/spandex blend.  The color is that rich oxblood it-color from last season that is still very big.  I bought my first Trina Turk top in 1999.  It’s the one I’m wearing in my profile picture – also a silk/spandex blend and probably my favorite thing in my closet.  It’s older than my students but has transcended time in a way that very few fashions can.  Surplice front, bishop sleeves and of course, black.

me and gin-gins

Banana Republic cardigan, BCBG Max Azria top, BCBG Generations sandals
Banana Republic cardigan, BCBG Max Azria top, BCBG Generations sandals
BCBG Max Azria top, INC pants, BCBG Generations sandals
BCBG Max Azria top, INC pants, BCBG Generations sandals

Here is that same BCBG Max Azria top I mentioned – in white but in the crew neck.  Found it at the BCBG outlet store in the mall – marked down and 30% off (final sale).  Such a great deal!

BCBG Max Azria dress, Steve Madden boots
BCBG Max Azria dress, Steve Madden boots

This dress currently has over fifty likes on Instagram.  My most liked posting.  The first time I wore it, it was like a ninety degree sauna in school, so I had on sandals and had my hair in a giant bun.  But this day, last Thursday, it was much cooler.  I was subbing for the teachers who left with students on a field trip and I spent a chunk of the day in an air-conditioned computer lab.  I love this dress so much that I got it in white too.  Think I’ll wear it tomorrow – students are just about done painting so it might be okay if I’m careful and wear my smock.  When I look at this photograph, I miss my hair because most of what is ombre ended up on the salon floor (sad face).  But it will grow back.

Bailey 44 top, 7 For All Mankind jeans, BCBG Generations sandals
Bailey 44 top, 7 For All Mankind jeans, BCBG Generations sandals

These Seven For All Mankind jeans are like something out of a dream.  I think I spent an hour trying on jeans and these were the last pair.  They fit like the ones in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.  Crazy.  Had to have them.  And size 25!  Yes!

Marc Jacobs sunglasses, Bailey 44 top, Trina Turk shorts, Minnetonka boots
Marc Jacobs sunglasses, Bailey 44 top, Trina Turk shorts, Minnetonka boots

We had a BBQ for my birthday, so I pulled out the boots I bought for my Native American costume (needed them when I taught at Lake Street Elementary – they had a Thanksgiving feast every year where the kids all dressed as Pilgrims and Indians).  Love them but would love them even more if they had a heel, which goes without saying.  I have this Bailey 44 top in three colors – black, gray and this scarlet red.  The shorts zip in back for a really smooth line.  They are Trina Turk.

BCBG Max Azria sweater and pants, BCBG Generation sandals
BCBG Max Azria sweater and pants, BCBG Generation sandals

This cotton/silk BCBG Max Azria sweater is reversible.  I wore it the other way a couple of weeks ago.  I love it both ways!  It’s like two for the price of one.

BCBG Max Azria sweater, Trina Turk leather skirt, Etienne Aigner boots
BCBG Max Azria sweater, Trina Turk leather skirt, Etienne Aigner boots
Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals
Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals

Finally, another Trina Turk dress.  The size 2 dimensions are my measurements.  It’s like buying couture.  This dress looks so much like a flat pattern sloper.  The difference is that the fabric is this jersey stretch double-knit and not a muslin draft.  It was available in black but I waited too long to get it and missed out on it.

So Trina, oh great goddess of my fashion world, if you are listening and there’s one in your secret dress lair that you’d like to gift me? Then I accept.  You are my favorite. <3



Everything is Golden


There’s really nothing I like better than a solo exhibition.  It’s a chance to see an artist’s body of work and learn their point of view. It’s an opportunity to understand the visual and maybe connect with it and the artist in an emotional  way.



Susan Roth is exhibiting abstract work in three of the four main galleries at the Everson Museum of Art.  She works with Golden Artist acrylics and has a personal relationship with the company. She’s suggested products based on her needs, as written in one of the artist statements on the walls of the show.



I think these blurbs help the average Joe non-artist/non-patron understand how important her work is.  That she spent a lifetime experimenting with materials to the point that she designed some as well.  It’s just beyond cool.




There are paintings and sculptures and combinations of these. Unusually shaped canvases that make you want to reach out and touch them.


Are they hard and crumbly like pumice stone or smushy plastic a la Silly Putty?  They really draw you into Roth’s universe and the more you look, the more you want to remain transfixed.  Each piece dedicates itself to the next and you witness a visual life.  Not sure if I would get the same response if I only viewed one of her pieces, but they are just incredible all together in this space.


I was at the member’s art reception on Friday night.  The show, sponsored by Pathfinder Bank is titled Handmade: The Art of Susan Roth, and runs through August 30, 2015.  The Everson Museum of Art is located at 401 Harrison Street, Syracuse, NY.  Go to http://www.everson.org for more information.


On Saturday, I attended an art reception at Wine 105 – Art & Wine Pairing: the Not So Still Lifes.  I was there before for the Diana Godfrey show.  This time Mark Raush is exhibiting his large scale flower still-lifes.


They are also acrylic paintings, filled with gestural lines of vibrant color and texture!  I think Raush’s work is the kind people want in their homes – a statement piece the average Joe can understand.


They are artsy-familiar, if that makes sense.  I wish I could do a trade with him. art for art, but these pieces command thousands.  They are in the $7,000-$8,000 range (they take Visa and Mastercard), while I am currently selling paintings at around $200-ish.


Anne Novado curated the exhibit.  She also coordinates shows for Gallery 4040 (4040 New Court Ave, Syracuse, NY), which has another opening this Friday night.  Mark Raush has more to show us there, as well as Arlene Abend, Katya Bratslavsky, and Walter Melnikow.  Wine 105 is at the corner of Hawley and Green Street (and Catherine Street) in Syracuse.



Bloggy Woggy Was a Bear

Bailey 44 top and skirt, BCBG Generation sandals
Bailey 44 top and skirt, BCBG Generation sandals

The weather is all flim-flam again.  Hot last week, cold today, rainy tomorrow.  It’s really all over the place.  So for the last two weeks, it’s been dresses and sandals or pants and sweaters, or something in between.

Banana Republic cashmere sweater and skirt, Steve Madden boots
Banana Republic cashmere sweater and skirt, Steve Madden boots

There are four weeks of school left!  Can’t believe how fast it all went. (Go bears!) I have some art shows planned for the summer – more about that later!

Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals
Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals

I live in exercise clothes and paint smocks in the summer, so I don’t foresee posting outfit-of-the-days (#ootd) between June 24th and Labor Day-ish.  But I can’t rule it out.  I was thinking about going back to the say yes policy  I practiced last summer.  I already said no to a bunch of things this week – I’m still working on it.

Banana Republic dress, BCBG Generation sandals
Banana Republic dress, BCBG Generation sandals

I love this Banana Republic olive ponte knit dress.  It was the last one on bananarepublic.com – on sale with an additional 40% off.  I never get breaks like that.  In a dream world, this fashion blogging would lead to free clothes from my favorite designers.  And if you are listening, I’m a 0 in Banana Republic, a 2 in Trina Turk and a small or XS depending on style and a 0 in BCBG Max Azria.  7 1/2 in a sandal, 8 in boots.

Trina Turk dress, Mia shoes
Trina Turk dress, Mia shoes

I know it’s kind of a fantasy – too bad I wasn’t born in the ’90s, because these girls seem to be living the dream.



Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals
Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals

Here is another article about female bloggers.


Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals
Trina Turk dress, BCBG Generation sandals

My sister suggested I change out my poses and another person thought my classroom was messy.  But those are my favorite things about my photographs (I am the only person on Instagram currently using the hashtags #fashionintherealworld and #fashioninrealtime). That and my shoes.  If I had a dollar for every time I heard how-do-you-walk-in-those-heels?, I would have that six figure salary!

Edme & Esyllte top, Champion pants, Coach booties
Edme & Esyllte top, Champion pants, Coach booties

I wore this outfit the day I taught gym classes in addition to art in order to help out with the dance lessons – swing, bunny hop and hokey pokey for the WWII event.  I wore Champion fitness gear under that yellow tunic top.  Got very sweaty that day jumping around for the equivalent of four hours.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  It was totally exhausting!

Bailey 44 top, J Crew  cashmere hoodie, BCBG Max Azria pants, BCBG Generation sandals
Bailey 44 top, J Crew cashmere hoodie, BCBG Max Azria pants, BCBG Generation sandals

I feel most comfortable in black.  I usually wear it every day of the first week of school because I am in mourning for my summer vacation, lol, and then I’m partial to black Monday throughout the school year.  I think I have at least eight different pairs of black pants – and a new pair at the alterations place getting hemmed as we speak.  But whatevs, you can never have enough.

Banana Republic cardigan and pants, BCBG Max Azria top, Coach booties
Banana Republic cardigan and pants, BCBG Max Azria top, Coach booties

Purple though – almost nothing.  We do a purple Thursday at work.  I just can’t do it.  It’s so Donny Osmond’s socks circa the ’70s.  I can technically wear that Trina Turk pink dress.  It’s actually the it color of last season – wild orchid.  Or I can do what some of the bloggers do – initiate a pink Wednesday.  That’s from Mean Girls or Clueless or some such ’90s chick flick.  I’m sure those big buck fashion bloggers would know.  🙂  😉