Tag Archives: vintage meets modern art


Pumped, 16" x 12", watercolor, 2002, $95
Pumped, 16″ x 12″, watercolor, 2002, $95

So far, my entire summer has been a giant ball of butterflies in my stomach.  I’m happy – all the time, and excited about all the great things that are happening.  That WILL happen.

good things are going to happen

My little sister is a yoga instructor/interior designer/flea market furniture refinisher/furniture designer/a lot of other things!  She let me borrow a bunch of items to use to enhance my display  at the Craft & Craft function at the Everson Museum of Art, 401 Harrison St. Syracuse, New York 13202 this Thursday from 5 – 9 pm.


This is what it looks like now all tossed into the trunk of my car.  Hopefully I will create a cute set up that matches my modern, vibrant watercolors with these brass vintage bamboo-patterned fixtures.

Dark Magic, 18" x 24", watercolor, 2002, $200
Dark Magic, 18″ x 24″, watercolor, 2002, $200

I just found out that I will be inside, rain or shine, in the Sculpture Court (main floor), so that is great news.  It’s just one table of unframed paintings in all different sizes and it will be a BOGO sale, meaning you will get two for the price of one but no half price onsies. You will have to buy two.  And see?  It’s a win-win.  You get two, and I have to say that my watercolors do look best in multiples, or you can give one as a gift!  I get to go home with less artwork, which is the goal.

Blue Star, 10" x 7", 2002
Blue Star, 10″ x 7″, 2002

Yes, making money from sales is an obvious goal but the one that really tickles me is the idea that people will enjoy my artwork.  That it will have a home where it will be loved, cherished, what have you, for many years to come.

Blue Mandala, 18" x 24", watercolor, 2001, $200
Blue Mandala, 18″ x 24″, watercolor, 2001, $200

I’m not sure if I told you about my cat situation, but my two knuckleheads had a falling out.  A couple months ago, Georgie got a plastic bag caught around his waist and was running around the house screaming up a storm.  He looked like a bull with a rodeo cowboy riding him as he tried in vain to buck off the bag.  Naturally, Pablo was chasing him up and down the stairs and throughout every room until I caught up with Georgie and helped him out.

pablo & georges portrait

This was approximately less than five minutes of our lives but it took its toll on the siblings’ relationship because after that Pablo wanted to attack Georgie.


It got pretty awful.  For three weeks, I was living like the Sister Wives with my pets.  One spent twenty four hours living in the kitchen and back porch while the other had the rest of the house and a spot in my bed, and then the reverse.  I tried to give them equal time but whenever Georgie was in the kitchen, he managed to bust in using his giant thumb paws – and then the fur went flying.  Very stressful!


I tried these $35 calming collars, but Georgie just ate his.  Finally, I brought Georgie to live with my sister and they ended up falling in love with each other.  I visit him and it really is all good.  Georgie just has a new home where he is equally loved, cherished, what have you for many, many years to come!


Just me and Pablo here now.  So I am no longer a stereotype!  And to add to my sister’s list of attributes, great cat mommy is at the top of the list.

craft and craft

Hope to see you on Thursday, July 23, 2015 at Craft & Craft! $10 for members, $15 non members.  There will be food and drink and art – bring money!

everything you can imagine is real

universe talkAnd P.S.: for those of you who miss my outfits of the day on Instagram – I will be wearing a new BCBG Max Azria dress at the event.  Can’t wait!