Pop Up




A lot happened last Thursday evening.  The third Thursday of the month has become synonymous with art receptions here in Syracuse, NY.  And of course, there are all sorts of social things going on including some that suddenly popped up.



Sandwiched in between my art reception at The Syracuse Tech Garden and the vigil, and subsequent wind down at Delphia’s in Chittenango for my dear friend Lynn Kurz (where I met her beautiful family for the first time), was a pop up art show at the Point of Contact Gallery in Syracuse, NY.




It was a juried show filled with some of the most incredible art by local artists!  My friends Angela Arrey-Wastavino and Davana Robedee showcased their work, as well as several others – some work I’d never seen displayed locally before.  Really brilliant stuff!




There was a silent auction for a series of 8″ x 8″ pieces made by the exhibitors.  I won this piece by Dana Bonn called Neon! I love it because of the numbers on it – love text/numbers in art anyhow but this is 768.  Seven is just a lucky number and six-eight is my birthday (June 8th) so that is really cool!



The show is already down, I’m sorry to report.  It was literally there and gone in like two days.  Such a shame, but I am so glad I got a chance to witness it.  Art in Syracuse is nothing to be afraid of – I mean, for those of you non-artists who think the scene is some dark underworld type thing.  It is welcoming.  I feel that part of my job as an artist and art blogger is to introduce you to these events.  While this one may be over, another will surely suddenly pop up again in the future!






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