Tag Archives: family history

Blue Skies

heart shaped cloud

Summer’s been fabulous so far – and still another month to go of blue skies, great sunshine, relaxation and good times with good friends.  A blissful adventure where I am an active participant in life, leaving not much time to make new art.  The Futura series will have to wait, lol.


I’m currently waiting for someone to come over and interview me for an article for this magazine called Women of Upstate NY.  That’s exciting!

My art exhibits are still up at Natur-Tyme through the end of September, and at Sullivan library through August.  I will be doing a presentation at Natur-Tyme during their community day event on Saturday, August 15th.  I have art for sale on redbubble.com and on my shopify site as well.  So a lot is still happening.  And there is always another opportunity lurking around the corner somewhere.


It is really such a blessing to have the body of artwork at my disposal because making art is sort of a passive thing – you must step away from your regular life and find a corner of the universe that is quiet for hours and hours, and sort of fall into yourself.  Spend time contemplating thoughts and feelings then work them out in an abstract configuration.

And…I am really preferring to be present right now.  To not think about past events or get caught up with what may or may not happen tomorrow.  It is a happy way to be, to enjoy the people around you and feel blessed for your life and everyone, and everything in it.

Which is the reason why I have no blog to present about the Macedonian Festival at St. George Church last weekend.  I folk danced my head off and it was so much fun to see my family and people who I don’t see often enough anymore.  Children of my childhood friends are all grown up and the next generation is in full swing.

I didn’t take a single picture of the event, as I had during Greek Fest.  Sorry to disappoint.


But it made me start thinking about family and family history and how that all ties in with my art.  I told you about my dad’s history already.  My mother’s grandfather came here in 1911, joined the US Army, became a citizen then brought his family over on a ship that docked at Ellis Island.


Later he owned at least two restaurants – or one restaurant in two different locations – The Owl.

restaurant 001

Do you see that black fan on the shelf?


Here it is again residing on my front porch.  It’s a time traveler that links my life to theirs.  I’ve brought it to school many times to add it to the still life display.  And many students have put it in painting and drawing compositions throughout the years.



I am loving my staycation.  The picture of family at the top of this post includes my cousins Jackie and Michele and their parents (and me and mine).  Their grandfather was my grandmother’s brother so we share this part of my family history and it has been such a great gift to spend time with them.  While so many of my Facebook friends traveled all over the world this summer, Michele came here.  She lives in Thessaloniki, Greece.  Jackie and I are already planning ahead.  We aren’t just going to talk about going there next summer.  We will be going there!


So maybe the Futura series will never come to fruition, but that’s okay.  The real future, one based on love for my family past and present is what I look forward to, and the ticket is a happy face, insuring me and as many people around me, a treasure trove of days filled with blue skies and sunny bliss.  Of course, the up side to that for those who read that I’m giving up on art is that I will finally be seeing the world with fresh eyes and I’m pretty sure art will follow!  So, no worries!
